Saturday, August 2, 2014

You might be insane if...

Home diagnosis is growing more and more popular. So now instead of waisting your time or that of a highly trained doctor to get your diagnosis, waist my time! some relatively funny stranger! If you expirence any these symptoms, call your doctor, or a better comedian.

  • You are crazy if you interpret "the matrix" as literal truth
  • You are more insane if you interpret "the matrix: reloaded" as a film par to "the matrix"
  • You are even more insane if you interpret "the national inquirer" as literal truth
  • You are insane if you believe that your microwave doesn't just control your mind, but those of all living beings
  • You have this page bookmarked
  • You do not listen when people tell you that Dr. Strangelove  "was supposed to be a comedy"
  • You believe that the onion is an off shoot of this blog

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