Thursday, June 19, 2014

Puggle's Inspiring Story

So, after being invited to half comedian's close comedy blog, your probably thinking, great. Some guy who calls himself Puggle the inchworm is here, and hes gonna sabotage what was a decent website. But its not what you think; we are going to sabotage it together.

I was invited by Half Comedian after all, because of my amazing story. Life back at the farm was hard. My master, who I deeply admire, was always deep in work, feeding the other animals and so on. I was by far his favorite. was there a romantic relationship between us? I cant deny it, but he had to leave his wife, and let me tell you, it wasn't because of  Caren the cow. well, in any event, one day, our  tractor broke down, and smoke fumed out of it. the mechanic disapproved of our relationship, and I was not surprised when he got some car oil in his eyes when the tractor started smoldering.

Luckily, I've always done some basic aerobics, and I was perfectly in shape to twist my body around the key, and stop the tractor from moving. My master was saved, suffering minor burns and nothing more.

A note from The half comedian: I decided that this blog needed some fresh blood. I got a lot of resumes, but settled on the talking inch worm. well, he sounds like a creep, but maybe he will be funny? who am I kidding, this blog was never really "funny" In the first place. I would call it more "Avant garde" or "flatulent"

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