Monday, July 14, 2014

7 signs corporations have gone too far

Pretty much everything we do nowadays is in some form dictated by corporations. So now, you are left with two options: buy a gun and take out those greedy CEOs yourself, or suppress your anger and read a semi-funny listicle.

1. Walmart officially replaces the us government

2. It gets to a point where "Netflix" and "life support" are to 100% synonymous. Remember future society, if the doctors ever suggest pulling grandmas Netflix  subscription, even if she's been brain dead for the last 3 months without any signs of improvement, you fight them to the last breath.

3. When Macdonalds is growing faster than the human race. The population, I mean. Not the width. That would be a paradox

4. eBay starts selling food, money, body parts, wives/husbands, and slaves.

5. When "followers" dictate wether our adolescent population lives or dies. Oh, and a mean girls death panel. There are death panels in that movie, right? I haven't seen it, so I'm just assuming.

6. *

7. The term "apple" is rarely thought of as the fruit, but as a company that basically takes stuff from Star Trek, and then sells it to you. In addition, all fruit available in the US is sold to people to people through

* this is where I would say something about google, but I don't think I'm allowed to do that. Well, maybe if this was on Wordpress I could.

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